
我的梦 作文


passage 1:

i h**e a dream in my mind for a long time.the dream ** that i want to tr**el all over the world.if possible,i will first tr**el to the u.s.a after my graduation from the middle school.america has left a very deep impression in my mind when i read some magazines and watch the american films on my computer.i think it ** an amazing country which ** far away from china.i will take a plane to go there,perhaps with my clas**ates.we will h**e some sight-seeings in different cities of america, h**e a talk with the native americans and learn something about its development.i am sure that we will enjoy our stay there.

passage 2:

living in the modern society,nobody can **oid knowledge and ability in their jos hunting.and teachers, no matter in a primary school,middle school or in a university,h**e been playing an important part in the transfering of knowledge.although teachers' job ** very hard with low salary in some people's view,i like to be a teacher.my ideal ** to be a qualified teacher in the future.in my early age,i had my own idea about my future job,that was to be a teacher.i don't care about other people's ideas.only because i think a teacher's job ** not only important but also necessary to the social and economic development.personally i think,teaching kids and living with kids will make me always happy and make me feel young and energetic.finally,it ** an honor for a teacher to be respected by the kids,even when they h**e grown up.when you hear that your kids h**e been wo**ng excellently for the society and for the other people,when you see your kids are h**ing a happy life of their own,you will certainly feel evry proud of yourself.th** kind of feeling cannot be found in any other fields.therefore,i will try my best to realize my dream.i am sure that i will make it.

passage 3:

everybody has a dream for h** future.my dream ** to become a reporter and i h**e had th** dream for a long time.that ** why i am wo**ng so hard at both engl**h and chinese.
as a reporter,he ** able to go to different places,meet with different people and experience different things.while wo**ng,he can enjoy h** life.meanwhile,it ** much easier for a reporter to help the other people.and th** job can be very influencial on people's way of thinking and style of living.
with th** dream,i will try my best to learn knowledge as much as possible.in my mind,a reporter ** my future ideal job.
2024-06-02 16:39:31
  • 佚名
    2024-06-02 04:50:52



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