

doing choreslast saturday, we decided to stay at home and do some cleaning. after breakfast, my mother did the d**hes and swept the floor. my father cleaned the rooms and windows with my brother. i think it ** fun to do the laundry. so, i washed clothes all the morning. after fin**hing the chores, we were all tired. but when we saw the clean house, we felt very happy.1. it will make my mother happy to help her with the housework.帮助妈妈做家务会使她很高兴。. it’s boring for me to do chores.对我来说,做家务很令人厌烦。. i need to clean the living room for the coming party.我需要为即将来临的晚会打扫一下客厅吧.!.. let’s clean the room after fin**hing our homework.做完作业后,让我们一起打扫房间吧。. if we put things away at ordinary times, we can do less during the spring clean. 如果我们平时把东西都收好,大扫除的时候就可以干得少点。
2024-06-04 10:27:59