

Ticket Ticket(day trip)H**e you ever heard about a place where we can h**e everything when we reach there.All happiness and all dream which you seek for is waiting for us at that place.There is only one ticket to reach that place and you can go there and go back for many times(2 way ticket)But there is no one who use to go there go back to tell anything to me.So i doubt whether it is true or not.I want to see that place myself.I can even walk by feet for miles if there are really something when i reach there.No matter how expensive that ticket is.or no matter what i h**e to pay for the ticket,i will pay.So i pay all i h**e in my life.But someone give it back to me and say This ticket has no seat for me.Eventhough they sell the ticket to anyone but the ticket has no seat for me.I don't h**e a right to tr**el T
2024-06-06 12:59:44