

展开全部~共48首,字母太多,就不列举了,希望谅解~慢摇,节奏,劲爆,震撼,好听,旋律.尽在其中!A Teens-floorfiller Ann Win**orn-la la love on my mind Club-Oye ma na Dale Arden-come baby Audition-Yo DJ Baha Men-who let the dogs out Dancefloor-Tied Vagyok eddy wata-In your mind gabry ponte-geordie In grid-Im folle de toi jimmy gomma-funky beat karma-amore Mio King-let's talk about a man Koyote-korea song X Boys-The Dragon King modern talking-brother louie modern talking-cha cha cha Paramore-hello hello rainman-la bom ba modern talking-cheri cheri lady Rainman-Ooh Oh Oh Ooh Bodies Without Organs-Sunshine In The Rain Solid Base-You and Me sweetbox-dont push me **ile-golden sky **ile-kissy kissy Tiggy-Abracadabra tina inez-stronger tr**is-walking in the sky Unlimited-No Limit Valentina-Body To Night zone-dragostea din tei~个人珍藏,绝非复制~下载地址:http://cid-6fcb90af4d46a40a.skydrive.live.com/home.aspx我的网盘下载,怕大家找不到,下载方式:先点劲爆舞曲,再用右键点击要下载的歌曲,选择打开链接,会弹出迅雷下载提示,选取消,页面就自动跳转到你要下载的曲目页,点下载就可以下载到MP3文件了。提示:不要使用下载工具,直接另存就可以了,否则可能下载不到。此方法亲测!版权所有【壹只苍蝇】,发现无耻盗用,一律检举!
2024-05-23 10:41:22