

I‘m 姓名 from 家乡 where is a beautiful place in China.I was born and grew up in there until 1990 when I had to le**e and find a job(或study)in another city.I h**e many precious memories in my hometone.I'm 年龄 now and study(或work)in(现居住地).
As a/an 职业(student/employee),I h**e a really busy life pace(生活节奏)with my own work,because everyday I h**e 8 courses which are pretty difficult for me in school.The classes are bothered but the only thing that makes me happy is my teachers.I am proud that I am taught by a cluster of kind and knowledgable teachers in the classes.
There is also a hobby adding spices to my life.What attracts me so much is the(手游→)mobile games.I usually like to play some simple games,like flappy bird or angry bird,because this kinds of games do not require to much energy but give me lots of fun.These can really relax me in my spare time.
In addition,I h**e a sweet family which is constituted by(家庭成员).All of the family members love me very much,and so do I.I like to bring happiness to them,so I bring them gift on every festival and tell them interesting news of my daily life everyday.We share all emotions of ourselves to each other.Therefore,we know personalities of each family member pretty well.对家人的介绍→[My father is nice but serious when we talk about my career;my mother is warm-hearted with wordy exhort,my sister is pretty and lively like a cute deer and my bother is a fran and klittle tough.]
词汇应该没有难得 XXX为了方便看懂我直接写的中文。如果有不懂的再问我
2024-06-09 22:47:50