
自己起英文名字又什么规则和章法吗 想问外国人的标准 就是说自己起的怎么样算符合?

Are you expecting?Before you choose a name for baby,you may want to take a glimpse into what other expectant parents will be naming their little ones into the new millennium!您想象过吗?在您为自己选择名字的时候,您是否该看看您的名字在新千年的热门程度。Power Names 有“力量”的名字
Names that stick!They're easy to pronounce,easy to remember and most of all easy to spell!那些好读好记好拼的名字就是好名字
A few examples:举例
Girl 女孩 Boy 男孩
Grace Caleb
Claire Logan
Brook Cole
Wacky spellings for common names are out!给那些普通名字换拼写的做法已经过时啦!Kaitlyn,Caitlyn,Kaitlin,Caitlin,Katelyn,Caitlynn,Kaitlynn,Kaytlin,Kaytlyn,Katelynn,Katelin,Katlynn
This is the most popular name in 1998
这些是1998年最流行的名字。现在可别再那么干了啊。Embracing Family names
New parents are taking a step into the past and reviving the tradition of family names.So here comes a new generation of kids named Erna,Boris and Mildred.
Boy Names for Girls 女孩起男孩名字
boy names will be used for girls,but less feminine sounding names will be used for boys.
Examples of boy names used for girls:举例(女孩起男孩名字)
Dylan 狄兰
Hunter 亨特
Ryan 瑞安
The trend continues!than ever,couples will be naming their baby after cities,countries and provinces!这股风又刮回来了!象以前一样,人们用城市,国家,省份起名
Here are a few examples:举例
Places-Girls Places-Boys
Paris Israel
Dakota Houston
Georgia Denver
India Dallas
America Colorado
Ethnic and Religious Names
and people are going back to their ancestry and religious beliefs when naming their babies.Here are a few examples:
Jewish基督 tamara(girl)Caleb(boy)
Irish爱尔兰 Isabel(girl)Connor(boy)
African-American Kareem(boy)
Sanskrit-Hindi Shalaka(girl)Sharat(boy)
2024-06-08 22:56:19