
me&city 这个品牌是什么名字

1 Describle the advangtages and disadvantages of the internet
About the advantages of the internet,I just say in brife.It is the source of all kind of informations and knowledge.It spread fast and worldwide.It is a platform that make freinds.It change the life of human beings.
About the disadvantages,first,it filled with bad information like violence,erotics and so on.So man should h**e the ability to distingush and judge the sources.In fact,internet cause problems of health,physiological and mental.Man,especial students of primary school and secondary school,they are easy dip deep into it and cuase lots of problems in school such as left school without the permit from teachers,fight with clas**ates,lose memory and lower school marks,etc.It also cuase problems in the society,such as steal,rob,murder,etc.
2 Tell us sth **out the invention of parper
Paper is invented in China.A man named Cailun develop the skills and it brought a new life for the world.This is a proud of all chinese.It is wellknow that we write,record all kind of information in the paper and how the importance of it.
3 Suppose I am getting weinght,Could you give me some advance about how to
lose weight?Getting weight is a very big problem to the man who geting the weight.It may come with some kind of illness.In some country,the man with weight is hard to find job,love and so on.So most of fat people want to lose the weight.I think,the most inportant thing to lose weight is diet.Man should not stop eating to lose the weight but keep meals proport.Like chinese,who get weight should do as normal chinese do,eat three meals a day and do not eat less.Another thing he should do is do excises and sports.Excises and sports can burn the fat in the body and it is the best way to lose weight.Keep it a long term excises and sports not do it when you h**e the interested.The other thing should be done is to check with doctors.Getting weight h**e many reasons and should be cure by right way after knowning the right reason.
4 What do you think of we can do to look after the environment?Water is the orient of life.So we should try to protect water source and s**e water.
Plant trees.Trees can store water and also release oxygen.
Energy s**ing and reduce the outlet.
Man can do less but the government can do more.So government should make the law and carry out the law.Do not keep laws and principles in the paper but should see it how to works.
Personally,I think it is the goernment should h**e responsibities.
5 As you know,a terrible earthquake happened in China in 2008.Can you say
something about it?What can we do to help those unfortunate inhabitants?12-05-2008,in Wenchan,Sichuan,an earthquake happened.Died **142 and dispeared17551.Now,it passed 2 years and there is no need for us to do anything again.If we h**e to say something to help,then we can go there and help them to develop the economy.
6 Compare Shanghai with Guilin,whichicity would you prefer to live in?Shanghai is a economic and financialcity.The economy is high developed.
Compare with Shanghai,Guilin is not developedcity.Guilin is a kind of touri**city with natural sight and good living conditions.So I brefer work in Shanghai and live in Guilin.
2024-05-29 11:34:17
  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 08:26:55

    谁能帮我想一个带CITY的名字啊 很酷的 比如 Me CITY 这样的

    High CityGo citySweet CityFight CityBe CityCity u2me不知你具体用做什么用处的,供参考

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 11:42:49

    me&city 这个品牌是什么名字


  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 18:36:47

    ME CITY 是哪个国家的品牌

    当然是中国的品牌!是上海美特斯邦威服饰股份有限公司的控股子公司。ME&CITY是美特斯邦威于 08年底新推出的高端城市品牌。

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 18:46:38

    me&city 这牌子是什么国家的

    是美特斯邦威 都市系列的额 叫me city今年才成立的是《越狱》男主角温特沃什·米勒和有西方林黛玉称号的巴西名模布鲁娜-特诺里奥我这答案百分百是对的

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 07:16:07



  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 04:13:58

    me city丹东有这个品牌吗

    基本情况如下:1、me city是美特斯邦威的一个牌子,美特斯邦威在丹东地区有不少店面。2、美特斯邦威即使在丹东下属县城也有门店。这个me city肯定也会有...

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 10:06:29



  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 18:31:06


    ME&CITY是美特斯邦威于08年底新推出的高端城市品牌。特斯邦威的高端子品牌 ME&CITY也隶属于美特斯邦威,但是其商品应该更新颖更潮流...

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 14:40:59

    ME&CITY 是什么牌子 买了一件这个牌子的棉衣花了569元 贵吗?

    是美邦的一个分支 但是与美邦设计理念不同 主打中高端品牌 衣服比较快时尚也向国外一些牌子靠拢 但是据说有时候打折打的很疯狂

  • 佚名
    2024-05-29 08:00:00

